12 Week Intermediate / Advance Adult Classes (Tuesdays) - (Sep 10th - Nov 26th)


$ 595

Event Date and Time
September 10, 2024, 6:30 pm

Only 2 seats left.

Event Location
Brooklyn Clay Industries, Brooklyn Navy Yard 62 5th St Suite 306, Brooklyn NY 11205,United States
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Pre-requisites for joining the intermediate/advanced classes. 1/ Students must have taken at least ...Read More
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Event owner avatar image
Reuben King

Class Calendar

Calender Instructions

Blue dots indicate listed one-time class availability for 2 weeks to a month . New listings posted bi-weekly. Click blue dots to select a onetime class.

Coupon Instructions

Coupon codes should be all capital letters with no numbers. Select an available class then use a valid redemption code for registration at check out.